Verify Your Vessel is Safe and Seaworthy With a Complete Marine Survey

A Complete Marine Survey Provides a Technical Assessment and Condition of the Ship or Vessel


Our Marine Surveyors Are Waiting to Assist You

We are the Mystic River Marine Surveyors. We can perform a Marine Survey of your yacht, trawler, cabin cruiser, sport fisher, sailboat, or other vessel. Buying, Insuring or building a boat is an important transaction, so you need all the information available to determine the safe condition and seaworthiness of the vessel. Our marine surveys are performed with attention to detail and shipbuilding standards. We have a combined 70 years of shipbuilding and ship operational experience, with the qualifications to provide you with a thorough assessment of the ship. We survey for owners, brokers, insurers, buyers and sellers. Marine surveys typically take from 1 to 3 days with completed survey reports, depending on the make, size and condition of the vessel. As part of our survey, we list corrections or repairs, recommended or mandatory. All marine surveys are carefully explained to provide a comprehensive review of the conditions found which may affect safety or operation of the ship. Go to our Contact page and provide any information available, and we will arrange a Marine Survey for you at your convenience.

Our Marine Survey Procedure

Our marine surveyors thoroughly examine the vessel's condition and performance. Every aspect of the boat must meet safety specifications. We test and pilot power and sail boats up to 300 feet in length to determine their seaworthiness. We check the hull conditions for water, rust and other corrosion. We verify sail function, and other mechanical systems for proper working conditions, such as:

  • Engines & Generators
  • Propellers, Rudder & Exterior Gear
  • Fuel Storage & Filters
  • Electrical Systems & Batteries 
  • Head & Sanitary Systems
  • Hull, Hatches, Bilges & Decks 
  •  Navigation System & Lights
  •  Sea Water Systems & Valves
  •  Galley Equipment & Fresh Water
  •  Sails & Rigging
  •  Anchors & Capstans
  •  Air Conditioning & Ventilation
A poster for mystic kings marine surveyors investigators and consultants

Insuring Your Investment 

Surveys are also needed for insurance, and with good reason. Without a valid survey, the insurer may not capture the true value of your vessel's listed condition and worth. Our dockside and underway testing are comprehensive and our reports are clear and thorough for review by your bank, or insurance company, to protect your investment in a boat.

  • A Large Container Ship

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I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky, 

And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by, 

And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking, 

And a grey mist on the sea's face and a grey dawn breaking.

—John Masefield

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Sunset and evening star,

And one clear call for me!

And may there be no moaning at the bar,

When I put out to sea . . .

—Alfred Lord Tennyson

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Call on us, the Mystic River Marine Surveyors, to survey your yacht, powerboat, sailboat or other vessel before you buy. Servicing Mystic, CT, MA RI, and NY.

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